Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Marks and Spencer Wasabi Popcorn

Another wasabi themed product from M&S! This popcorn was a really interesting snack that hopefully sticks around permanently. The entire bag is only 139 calories and believe me it's a pretty generous portion. You feel like you've had loads to eat but it's still very light so you don't feel bloated or guilty.

Now this can be said of loads of popcorn - it's generally a light and healthy snack. But the flavouring of this is genuinely innovative and has a wonderful taste that kicks every tastebud into touch.

It's got a real nice kick of wasabi heat that's fairly spicy that is made even more interesting with a touch of sweetness and sugar that balances it out for a real savoury and sweet edge.

The corn texture was light and airy and every piece was fully coated in the intense, delicious flavour so there were no bland pieces in the entire pack. It's a really stimulating eat that makes you sit up and take notice. It's not often packaged snacks genuinely capture your complete attention with every mouthful but the lively and uplifting flavour of this really awakens your tastebuds.

Price: 80p
Available: Marks and Spencer

Score: 8/10

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